
Ylialisaokwi words and phonemes will be marked like this when necessary. Ylialis is mostly on hold until I develop Maanxmusht more.
When they differ from the IPA representation, Ylialis phonemes will be marked.
Labials | Coronal | Dorsals | |
Stops1 | p.b | d | k.g |
Sibilant | s | dʒ (j) | |
Sonorants | m | n l | |
Semi-vowels2 | j w (both as w) | ||
Tap | ɾ (r) |
- Consonants separated with a '.' are a voiceless/voiced pair.
- /j/ and /w/ are positional variant allophones. The phone /w/ occurs at the start of a word, between two vowels, or following /s/. Otherwise it's pronounced as /j/.
Short | /e/ | /æ/ a | /oʊ/ o |
Long | /iː/ y | /ʌɪ/ i | /uː/ u |
Diphthongs | /ei/ ae | /aʊ/ ao |
Other vowel clusters are pronounced as seperate syllables
- language, speech = ali - placed before last consonant.
- speaker of a language kuli, plural kusli - placed before last consonant. Yliakulis - speaker of Ylialis
- fusional
- Lun.der.a = Thundera inhabitant / citizen infix (-ian, -ese, -er) = -k-, plural -kus-. Placed before last consonant before a vowel. Lunderka / Lunderkusa = Thunderian / Thunderians. Yklis, Ykuslis = citizen of Ylis federation countries. Yliaklis = inhabitant of an Ylialis speaking country
- stress on second syllable
- single sonorants duplicate across syllable boundaries Y.lis → Yllis
- phonotactics: initial cluster = (s)(voiced stop)(r) or (s)(unvoiced stop)(l) or C. final cluster = (s,l,r,n,m)(stop)(s). General: (C)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(C) V= vowel or dipthong. No doubled vowels
- unvoiced stops palatized by front vowels (i,a,y) or w
- transliteration - vowels based on vowel height, th to l, t to d, fricatives to nasals. v to m. Ramar = Ravar
- derivation through infixes
- vestigal gender system, plenty of cases. male, female, genderless animate pronouns, genderless inanimate pronouns, far away things & abstract concepts. Everything agrees with pronouns and adjectives. Verb agreement for animate, inanimate, & faraway/abstract
- genitive - 'of' / related or belonging to / -ish - -aokwi suffix Ylialisaokwi - related or belonging to Ylialis language